Posts tagged counseling nassau country
Facts To Know Before Starting Therapy in Long Island, NY

Thinking about starting therapy but not sure where to start? You’re not alone!

Having worries, fears and doubts are normal and expected when making such a big decision. I’ve delineated some pointers to help you as you take the steps to finding the right psychologist, therapist, social worker or doctor to help you with your mental health.

To schedule your first session, call today to get help with your anxiety, depression, relationship issues or trauma with expert Esther Goldstein LCSW in Cedarhurst in Five Towns, Long Island, New York.

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10 Tips for ReDefining this Holiday Season

You’re looking to redefine what the winter and holiday season mean to you. You’ve been challenging family patterns and re-igniting the joy in holidays and family connections, yet you’re needing some tips to help you re-create the joy for this year’s holidays in December and January.

Read on about tips to maximize joys and love in this holiday seasons, and how to work though griefs, sadness and pain.

Counseling for anxiety, depression, trauma and family issues in Cedarhurst, in Long Island, Nassau County, NY.

Schedule your first session with Anxiety expert Esther Goldstein LCSW today.

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The Silent Wound

"I dont have any specific trauma. I've never been in a car accident and I wasn't bullied when I was little. So then why am I suffering so much on the inside? Why do I feel like the light on the inside is dim? Why do I have a hard time trusting myself and letting others come close?" This confusion exists in many clients who reach out and are brave enough to ask for help and begin therapy.

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