Posts tagged anxiety treatment
Better job than your parents? + 10 Tips to Guide you in Five Towns, NY.

Want to ensure you’re giving your kids the best shot at life but not sure you’re doing it all “right”? Having some insecurities or fear from the past popping up as you navigate the waters of parenthood?

You’re not alone. Parenting comes along with much unknown territories and can bring confusion and fear. What also may happen is that you may want to offer a way better future for your kids than you got, youre just not sure how to do that.

Read below to understand how to do your own healing work and offer a better life for your children and next generations to come.

Seeking more support? Schedule your first session with expert in anxiety, trauma and parenting therapy Esther Goldstein LCSW in her office in Cedarhurst NY.

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Finding a life coach, therapist or psychologist in Nassau County

While living in the Five Towns, Nassau County or anywhere on Long Island comes with all the “new-yawk” stressors and struggles, there are some fun and beautiful aspects of living on the south shore. We have some of the nicest beaches, coffee houses and have more greenery than center of the city life. 

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The Silent Wound

"I dont have any specific trauma. I've never been in a car accident and I wasn't bullied when I was little. So then why am I suffering so much on the inside? Why do I feel like the light on the inside is dim? Why do I have a hard time trusting myself and letting others come close?" This confusion exists in many clients who reach out and are brave enough to ask for help and begin therapy.

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Trauma Therapy Demystified - part 2

 Seeking relief from your anxiety and trauma? Reach out to Esther Goldstein LCSW and Trauma Expert to being healing today. Book at her Cedarhurst Office in Long Island, NY.

Continuing upward on the stairwell of trauma healing is Phase Two, referred to by Herman as Remembrance and Mourning. This phase often involves treating the traumatic memory, by form of narrative processing or by working through secondary side effects that have been left on the mind, body or soul. Somatic psychotherapy, EMDR, expressive arts, IFS, TF-CBT and Ego State work, amongst other modalities, have been scientifically proven effective in treating memories without diving too deeply into the narrative, avoiding the risk of re-traumatization.

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How-To Stop Ruminating - Skills for Relief

Do you ever feel like your mind is taking you down a slippery path of old, upsetting memories? Tough stuff you just can't seem to "get over" and keep ruminating? Your brain does this because of how the memory of the experience was stored. Some memories, feelings, thought patterns and sensations are arranged in a specific way in your brain, making it so incredibly challenging to end the ruminating. 


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