Counseling for Self Confidence


Are you looking to feel more confident and comfortable in your skin?

What is a sense of self?

Your identity is your sense of self. It’s the way you see who you and what you want from life. When you have a strong sense of self, you feel confident, capable, and prepared for whatever comes your way.

However, you may feel confused about who you are and what you want. You may notice this appear in your life as chronic perfectionism, self-doubt, and a feeling that you’re never enough.  Those feelings are tough to carry around!

To embrace your true self and escape the self-doubt trap, you need to feel comfortable in your own skin. 

Pause for a moment and ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you take care of yourself adequately or do you put yourself last and others first?

  • Do you experience a nagging sense of low self worth and a nagging sense of shame you can’t quite explain?

  • Do you find yourself disconnecting from your emotions, or isolating yourself from others and their emotions?

Do you fear that others would reject you if they knew the “real you”? Secure relationship bonds are key to creating a strong, steady sense of self. If you were raised by a parent who was depressed, anxious, or distracted in some way, or if you have been in a relationship that tested your boundaries, your foundation may not feel as firm, leading you to feeling doubtful and questioning your worth. 

Therapy helps you answer “Who am I, really?”

When you come to me for therapy, we explore the origins of your self-doubt and look at how your sense of self has developed over time. We also look at the current factors that contribute to who you are and discuss who you might want to be in the future.

Often, the way you learned to relate to yourself throughout childhood, and adolescent years persists into adulthood. We will identify the great strengths you've developed that have helped you adapt and thrive. We'll maximize those strengths and work with the parts that may be hurting beneath as well. 

My goal is to help you get to know all the parts of you. You were born with an inherent capacity to be kind, compassionate, and accepting towards yourself.  Together, we’ll find a way to help you access that supportive internal energy.  Your mind and body are capable of learning skills that will support you as you implement new ways of relating to yourself. We invite healthier thoughts which allow you to be in an open, creative stance where change, healing and movement happen.  

It is possible to answer “who are you, really?” with a sense of clarity, ease, and satisfaction.

Is this you?

Reach out for your consultation and to book your first appointment in my Cedarhurst office in Five Towns. 

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change"